Permanent Make Up LIPS planning

How to plan correctly!


Whether you will choose natural-looking nude lips, lip shading in your favorite colour, healthy tinting candy lips, or lip-enhancing Ombré shading:

We will prepare you with some tips to help you know what to expect and tell you what to keep in mind after the treatment.

BEFORE the treatment

BEFORE the treatment

PMU Lips: Planning for the best results

Before each treatment, your Linergist® will discuss with you the exact treatment procedure and your individual customer questionnaire. But what can you do to best prepare yourself for the treatment in advance?

You should pay attention to the following points BEFORE THE TREATMENT:

  • After your treatment, you will receive an after care guide and product recommendations for the healing process. Furthermore, you must also keep in mind your follow up appointment for a post-treatment, which should ideally take place 2-3 weeks after the initial pigmentation.
  • Do not drink alcohol the day before treatment and up until the treatment.
  • Do not take aspirin or any other blood thinning medicines or supplements starting the day before treatment.
  • If you regularly need to take blood-thinning medication, it is important to check in advance with your doctor if a PMU treatment is possible and if you are allowed to stop taking the medication.
  • Do not sunbathe excessively in order to avoid redness or sunburn on the face.
  • No intensive peels or facials 2 weeks prior to the treatment (Microdermabrasion, Botox, Hydrafacial, fruit acid scrub, etc.).
  • Immediately after the pigmentation of the lip and the day after: do not eat any oily / fatty or spicy foods (including oily or fatty salad dressing, pizza, curry, chili, etc.!).




If you suffer from any illness (acute or chronic) and / or need to take medication regularly, inform your pigmentation technician and always consult your doctor before receiving pigmentation. In some cases, treatment is not possible (colds, hay fever, flu, infections, chemotherapy, blood thinning medication, weakened immune system, etc.) or needs to be postponed.


If you are prone to herpes, you should consult with your doctor to see if a prophylaxis would be useful 2-3 days before treatment. Regardless of lip treatment, we recommend the use of Spirularin to prevent herpes formation.


Do you suffer from allergies? Professional Permanent Make Up Studios will discuss this with you and offer to test the PMU in a small, concealed location prior to treatment. Your studio can also contact the company with the information from your allergy pass to clarify ingredients if necessary.


During pregnancy and whilst breast-feeding a permanent make-up treatment is not possible / recommended. The altered hormonal balance may cause pigments to be inferiorly absorbed by the skin and the skin may react other than usual. In the rare event of an allergic reaction, the use of e.g. antibiotics may be necessary (this is rare, but we prefer to be safe and therefore do not pigment during pregnancy and lactation). Last but not least, a micropigmentation treatment is not a wellness treatment, this means stress and some pain which you should avoid when pregnant or breast-feeding.


Lip injections

Are you planning a lip pigmentation and also want lip injections to achieve your desire lip look?

  • Then be sure to schedule the injection session after the Permanent Make Up treatment to ensure that the natural shape is pigmented.

If you already have injections:

  • Inform your permanent make-up studio which products were used, as some are not compatible with pigmentation.

  • Make sure to wait a minimum 3 months from the last injection of the lip (injection, Hyaluron Pen etc.).


Are you planning a lip pigmentation and also want lip injections to achieve your desire lip look?

  • Then be sure to schedule the injection session after the Permanent Make Up treatment to ensure that the natural shape is pigmented.

If you already have injections:

  • Inform your permanent make-up studio which products were used, as some are not compatible with pigmentation.

  • Make sure to wait a minimum 3 months from the last injection of the lip (injection, Hyaluron Pen etc.).

AFTER the treatment

AFTER the treatment

Please pay particular attention to!

Immediately after the pigmentation of the lip and the day after

  • Do not eat any oily / fatty or spicy foods (including oily or fatty salad dressing, pizza, curry, chili, etc.!).
  • For 5 days after pigmentation, be sure to apply only the care product (wound healing gel) recommended by your Permanent Make Up Studio.
  • After the 5 days use a new, and less oily lip care product.
  • Do not use lipstick or lip gloss throughout the healing process (for about 2 weeks).

Kann ich nach der Behandlung gleich ausgehen?

Nach der Behandlung müssen Sie mit leichten Schwellungen (bei den Lippen auch mit stärkeren Schwellungen) und leichten Rötungen der Haut rechnen. In seltenen Fällen kann in den Stunden direkt nach der Behandlung noch ein wenig Lymphflüssigkeit austreten. Schwellungen klingen in der Regel innerhalb von 2 – 3 Stunden nach der Behandlung ab.

Da eine Long-Time-Liner Behandlung vergleichsweise sanft ist und sich in der Regel keine Krusten bilden (da die Haut z. B. nicht geschnitten/geritzt wird), sind Sie am Folgetag schon „gesellschaftsfähig“. In den 2 Wochen nach der Behandlung verspüren Sie eventuell ein leichtes Ziepen in der Haut, sie kann sich trocken anfühlen und aussehen.

Sie erhalten im Anschluss an Ihre Behandlung eine Pflegeanleitung sowie eine Produktempfehlung für die Tage nach der Behandlung. Weiterhin vereinbaren Sie auch Ihren Termin für eine Nachbehandlung, der idealerweise 2 – 3 Wochen nach der Erstpigmentierung stattfinden sollte.


Ich fahre kurz nach der Permanent Make Up Behandlung in den Urlaub, was sollte ich beachten?

Grundsätzlich empfehlen wir, eine Permanent Make Up Behandlung nicht kurz (2 – 3 Wochen) vor einem Urlaub durchzuführen:

  • In der Regel findet nach 2 – 3 Wochen ein Kontrolltermin mit Nachbehandlung statt.
  • Der Prozess der Abheilung ist mit Long-Time-Liner in der Regel zwar kürzer und die Haut wird weniger in Mitleidenschaft gezogen, dennoch sollten Sie einen Heilungsprozess von 2 Wochen einplanen.
  • Starke Sonneneinstrahlung, Salz- oder Chlorwasser, stark öl- oder fetthaltige Pflegeprodukte (z. B. auch in Sonnenschutz) können sich negativ auf den Heilungsprozess und die Farbentwicklung auswirken, die Farbe verblasst stärker und schneller.

BEFORE the treatment

AFTER the treatment

Did you know that …

LONG-TIME-LINER® is famous for its pigments?

Our pigmentation colours
  • are used worldwide in over forty countries
  • are based on over 30 years of pmu expertise
  • are produced in Germany according to EU directives
  • have perfect coverage, excellent colour brilliance and stability
  • have a low allergy potential
  • are animal cruelty-free

Did you know that …

our micropigmentation devices are among the highest quality on the market?

Our pmu devices
  • pigment with absolute precision
  • allow for a particularly skin-friendly pigmentation
  • ensure an exact needle guidance
  • contour and shade very gently
  • deposit the pigmentation colour evenly into the skin
  • support a short healing process

More about Long-Time-Liner

Are you interested in a permanent make-up?
Contact our Beauty Institute in Munich at:

LONG-TIME-LINER Beauty-Institute
Tal 18, 80331 Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)89 / 22 52 00
E-Mail: [email protected]

You already pigment and
would like to start a training or further education?

Under the following link you can find out about our entire TÜV certified training program: